For the last 7 months, James Kabarebe under the orders of Paul Kagame, has illegally detained the now retired Colonel Patrick Karegeya. The colonel is being kept in a secluded safe house around Mulindi area in Kanombe district of Kigali.
Patrick Karegeya, an accomplished lawyer, former head of External Security and fomerly a close confidant of Paul Kagame is also being denied access to medical facilities despite his worsening health condition.
This is a second time that Patrick Karegeya has been detained under unclear circumstances.
Initially, Patrick was accused of 'insubordination and indiscipline', cases for which there was no evidence. Karegeya was not taken to court at all during this first arrest that lasted 3 months. Following immense pressure from the media and international community, Karegeya was released for a short period during which Rwanda military operatives under James Kabarebe went on a witch hunting mission to plant evidence against him.
Karegeya's release was indeed shortlived as he was brought to court, once again on flimsy charges of 'indiscipline and insurbodination'. The army chief of staff, James Kabarebe, accused Patrick of refusing to return to duty following his release from prison: A fact refuted by Patrick Karegeya. Besides his word, Kabarebe did not produce any evidence to the court. Apparently, Kabarebe gave Karegeya instructions to return to duty during a personal visit at the former's home that was never witnessed. Karegeya admits visiting Kabarebe as a personal friend but does not remember receiving such instructions; in what appears to be a classic case of typical Rwandan betrayal.
Karegeya was hence accused of desertion and insurbodination and sentensed to an 18month jail term: a period that does not corellate with the cases levelled against him. Aside from Kabarebe's word', there was no other evidence produced in court.
Today Karegeya continues to serve his jail term for reasons only known to those in Rwanda's top political and military circles.
However, we the People of Rwanda would like to humbly request the president of the Republic of Rwanda HE. to release Patrick Karegeya so that he can continue to work for his country. Having served at the helm of Rwanda's politics and military for over 10 years, Karegeya's track record, patriotism, and expertise are not questionable. More evidence needs to be produced for the general public to believe what is being said of Karegeya.
What experience and history teach is this-- that people and governments never have learned anything from history.
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